Rights and responsibilities

As our patient you have the right to

  • be registered with us if you live within our practice area.
  • have a nominated doctor within the practice.
  • be offered a health check when joining the practice.
  • see any doctor or nurse within the practice, but we recommend that it is best to keep seeing the same person dealing with a particular problem.
  • receive emergency care between 8am and 6.30pm, Monday to Friday.
  • receive appropriate treatment and medicines.
  • be included in all decisions about your care, including referral to a specialist.
  • be treated with care and respect.
  • have any complaints dealt with appropriately.

With these rights come responsibilities for our patients. That means being:

  • courteous to staff at all times.
  • as prompt as possible for all appointments.
  • responsible for cancelling appointments in adequate time.